Tsinghua University Tmall Campus Store is an offline project for TMALL, China’s largest e-commerce site operated by the Alibaba Group. As a first step, we undertook the creation of their first store at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, as part of a nationwide plan to develop physical stores on university campuses.
From the perspective of a B2C business model, the space proposal was a masterpiece of analysis and ingenuity in how different entities (TMallxUniversityxLocal Market) can build business relationships offline to improve mutual benefits.
Targeting the ingenuity of landscape design as expressed in “水木清华 Shuimu Tsinghua”, its spatial concept was inspired by the corrugated circulation system found in the “circuit style” of traditional asian garden, allowing for interaction between different spaces and their elements, and dynamic uses and experiences that could answer the daily schedules and requirements of university students.
Alibaba TMall
Campus Mall
1,000 sq/m
ODD, 华一(Rendering 渲染)
Interior Design, Project