Review Guest Lecture Series 特邀嘉宾回顾
A series of guest lecturers helped accelerate the students’ learning process while increasing their overall breadth of knowledge in contemporary design. Among the welcomed guest lecturers were: Ning Duo (DotA), Jordan Kantar, Trushit Vyas, and the team of Charles Kwan and Hinki Kwong (Half and Half Studio).[br]
2016年1月11日-2016年2月4日期间,匠人营国设计教育中心联合系联设计国际团队共同举办的参数化WORKSHOP于北京林业大学召开。[br]一系列演讲,在帮助推进学习进度的同时,很好地拓宽了学生的眼界。讲座邀请到的嘉宾有:朵宁(度态建筑),Jordan Kanter,Trushit Vyas,和组合嘉宾Charles Kwan和Hinki Kwong(Half and Half 事务所)。
[cmt]—————–Ning Duo—————–[/cmt]
朵宁 Ning Duo “Arch-Maker”
Guest Lecture Vol.1 1.23.2016
朵宁Ning Duo
Principal Designer, dot Architects; M.Arch AA; B.Arch Tsinghua University[br]
As a founder and principle architect from DotA, Ning Duo is a good representative of young licensed architects around Beijing. During the last two decades, he witnessed firsthand an age in which rapid urbanization led to a booming market. Yet in recent times, the market has begun to cool down. Equipped with his professional skills, Ning is currently probing for a creative commercial mode that best suits the new economic environment.[br]
His lecture demonstrated DotA’s signature projects in varied scale, focusing on vanguard use of material, CNC fabrication, and the application of network design method within an Internet-based market. He organized his lecture into the following four main topics: Architect, Maker, Arch-maker, and Nexus.[br]他的演讲内容包含了不同尺度下的度态标志性项目,以及先锋性的材料使用,CNC制造,和基于网络时代的商业构想。这些内容分别体现在演讲的四个章节:建筑师,创客,建筑-创客,互联。[break]

Ning’s lecture called on students to think earnestly about the role of tomorrow’s architects. During his two-hour lecture, the topic of Archi-maker (which combines traditional architectural projects with custom fabrication works) taught us about the ingenuity that Ning cultivated through his practice and revealed through his architecture. This was definitely the most remarkable topic that he discussed. Finally, his use of organic polymer material inspired students to focus more on the relationship between the function of building and a material’s properties.[br]朵宁的讲座引发了学生对于将来建筑师的角色思考。2小时的演讲中,建筑-创客的主题,将传统的建筑师角色与简单的定制制造生产结合,显示了他通过实践摸索出的独特发展道路,也道出了当今建筑探索的真相。这部分是他演讲里面最让人印象深刻的篇章。而他对于有机高分子材料的使用,又在实践层面,激励学生更多地去关注建筑功能与材料特性的结合。
Trushit Vyas
Guest Lecture Vol.3 1.29.2016
Trushit Vyas
Associate Architect, Zhu Pei; M.S Arch, Pratt Institute[br]
Trushit’s work in recent years as an associate architect at the world-renowned office PeiZhu Studio shows the maturity and professionalism in his design. Equipped with professional proficiency (especially in Maya), his beautifully balanced work was introduced at his lecture and proved him to be one of the key architects of tomorrow, while his numerous samples provided the students with good examples of software use in practice. [br]
The lecture included every phase of Trushit’s career from academia to the present, and demonstrated his multitude of visionary architectural projects, competitions, product designs, and installations. The lecture was well organized and full of colorful media, combining esoteric theory with fun and making the content both comprehensive and enjoyable. [br]

Preceding his MAYA tutorial, Trushit used his lecture to successfully corrected some inappropriate prejudices towards computational design by enlightening students on a valuable fact about today’s architectural practice: tools are to there to provide a design with more possibilities not to solve every part of the design. Trushit’s personal experience illustrated the significance of mastering software tools, which was identical to one of the intensions that we tried to express throughout this workshop. [br]
在进行MAYA教学之前,Trushit在演讲中,通过传达当今建筑实践领域的宝贵事实,成功修正了针对运算化设计的不恰当偏见:工具的作用在于给设计提供更多的可能性,而不是去逐一解决每一小块问题。他的个人化经验展示了熟练运用软件工具的重要性,这也是本次研究营着重强调的一点。 [break]
The fascinating animation at the beginning, motivated students and expanded their horizons. Along with showcasing many intriguing projects, Trushit emphasized that patience and a summary of any forms of design work are the keys to success.[br]
Charles Kwan & Hinki Kwong “Fluidity Architecture”
Guest Lecture Vol.4 2.1.2016
Charles Kwan
Co-founder and Designer, half AND half Studio. M.Arch. Pratt Institute, B. Arch. Sci. Ryerson University; Previous Work Experiences: Zaha Hadid Architects, SYSTEMarchitects, SUBdV [br]
half AND half事务所联合创办人。普瑞特艺术学院建筑学硕士,瑞尔斯大学建筑科学学士 [br]
Hinki Kwong
Co-founder and Designer, half AND half Studio. M.Arch. Pratt Institute, B.Arch.Sci. Ryerson University; Previous Work Experience: Benoy, Zaha Hadid Architects, SUBdV, Kol/Mac [br]
half AND half事务所联合创办人。普瑞特艺术学院建筑学硕士,瑞尔斯大学建筑科学学士 [br]
工作经验:贝诺建筑事务所, 扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事务所,SUBdV,Kol/Mac
The co-founders of the newly founded design firm half AND half Studio (Hong Kong), Charles and Hinki, are equipped with work experience at Zaha Hadid Architects and have both been commissioned to quite a lot of the world-renowned parametric design projects through their professional careers. They both excel at modeling complex geometry, designing non-linear buildings, and applying advanced software to overcome difficulties in fabrication and context analysis. [br]
新锐建筑事务所Half & Half Studio(香港)的合伙人Charles and Hinki曾工作于扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事务所,共同参与过世界著名的参数化设计项目。他们二人都擅长复杂的建模,非线性设计,以及运用多种前沿软件解决建造与环境分析中的复杂问题。[break]
Their lecture, Fluidity Architecture, was thoroughly focused on an application of parametric design tools in practice. The designs they introduced were some world-renowned projects, which they contributed during their employment at Zaha Hadid Architects as well as many academic works created by them. The reference software programs they presented include: Maya, Rhino, Grasshopper, Digital Project, Realflow, and Ecotect. They showed that only through unlimited use of software can they solve the realistic problems in visionary design. [br]
他们的演讲名叫“流动的建筑”,主要关于参数化设计在实际项目中的应用。演讲中介绍了一些他们在扎哈参与过的著名建筑项目以及他们学生阶段的课程设计,其中并提到了他们常用的软件:Maya, Rhino, Grasshopper, Digital Project, Realflow(流体力学模拟)和Ecotect(光照等分析)。由于工作中软件的使用不被限制,方使他们能够在解决现实问题时采用大胆的想法。[break]







The lecture condensed an abundance of materials to just three hours, providing students valuable contact with significant parametric design works in the world. Fluidity, representing the symbolic image of Zaha Hadid Architects, is indeed achieved by sophisticated endeavors. A large number of design iterations for form and context analysis as well as sets of precise algorithms make up the design process of pioneer architects that utilize one of the most advanced workflows. [br]