2018中央美术学院 运算化设计工作营
2018中央美术学院 运算化设计工作营
CAFA Computational Design Workshop 2018 Mediated Space Resonance | Public Art and Space Design, City Design School
A班: 2018.12.15 开始 13天 br>
B班: 2018.12.27 开始 11天 br>
@中央美术学院城市设计学院(燕郊校区) br>
包含住宿11800元, br>
12月8日前报名享受早鸟价:9800元 br>
这是一个为期11-13天的运算化设计工作营,其中亮点是通过算法设计和数字化原型来探索(技术方面的)空间的可能性的设计课程,以公共艺术和空间设计为目标,并将其作为人、社会和技术之间的沟通的媒介。并与由新兴/感知技术发展而来的新工艺、新方法、新艺术和新设计理念紧密结合,重点放在集成性和创新性。追求艺术,使我们生活空间形态丰富多彩。本工作营通过对数字化技术在设计中的应用,完成收集、分析、映射信息和相关的空间网络教学, 实现创建因地制宜的交互艺术与设计原型。这些原型可以通过时间预测空间演变的多样性,并复杂化网络连接和场域空间,同时具有无限生长和变化的新兴行为模式。
The overall number of “smart city” plans has increased across the globe in recent years, especially in China, which is one of the leading countries when it comes to the accelerated development of such projects. From cashless payment options to the regulation of traffic signals through real-time analysis, we are witnessing a period of radical change in our social-economic infrastructure. Someday soon, cities will be transformed into smart machines. In these sentient urban areas, what model of public interface can best response to the radical shifts taking place in social spaces?
This 11 to 13 day workshop explores what is possible within spaces mediated by technology through computational design and digital prototyping, targeting public art and spatial design as a socio-technological interface that connects people, society, and technology. A strong emphasis is placed on creative and generative ideas that closely integrate with new process, methodologies, and conceptualizations of art and design that have been evolved thanks to the logic of emergent sentient technologies. Starting with the premise that art is an experience-based, transformative force that connects us to the space around us in our everyday lives, the agenda and outcomes of this workshop will focus on using the integration of algorithmic and generative design to collect, analyse, and map information and relevant spatial networks, in order to create site-specific interactive art and design prototypes. These prototypes will be generated for the purpose of variable performance across time, complex networks of communication, and field spaces with emergent behavioural patterns of growth and change.
Our workshop consists of four stages: Software Tutorials of Rhino, Software Tutorials of Grasshopper, Computational Design Fundamentals, and Design Studio.
Workshop Structure
阶段1 及2软件教学 Rhino 与 GH – 3D建模与算法建模
Stage 1 and 2 Software Tutorials of Rhino and GH – 3D Modeling and Algorithmic Modeling
课题: Nurbs曲面与多边形网格面,单/双曲面,参数/算法建模,以及GH插件:Lunchbox和Weavebird。
Stage 1 and 2 feature essential commands (Rhino) and components (GH), as well as modelling of world-renowned projects, which provide students with a basic to intermediate understanding of modelling using Rhino and GH. During these stages, students will acquire some of the most useful skills and important knowledge for both implicit and explicit modelling.
Key Topics: Nurbs surface vs. polygon mesh, single/double curved surfaces, parametric / algorithmic modeling with examples, and GH addons: Lunchbox and Weaverbird.
阶段3 运算化设计基础 – 核心技能,概念及方法论
Computational Design Fundamentals – Core Skills, Concepts, and Methodologies
课题:算法与生成式设计;系统与数字原型;场域、网络、泰森多边形、随机、递归、Multi-Agent Base、variations and selection;设计构思;涌现特性;自适应系统;GH插件:Kangaroo、Ladybug、Butterfly、Galapagos、Hoopsnake 、Quelea,Z-Brush软件等(根据设计课需求选择其中几个)。
Stage 3 intends to bridge the gap between the student’s existing digital skills and the disciplinary side of computational design through a series of lectures, interactive exercises, and input and output methodology tutorials using selected Grasshopper add-ons and custom coding components. The main focus is placed on an introduction of frequently used algorithms and generative processes under a Variation of Applied System (VAS) framework. VAS is an academic core of Tuning Synesthesia that focuses on researching system* applications for the purpose of digital prototyping and discovering new digital design strategies and schemes.
*A system may be defined as a set of components that shape a whole and can be found in various fields of matter and organization, ranging from nature to culture and society, among others. Particularly, emergent properties arise when the interaction of individual component produce new functions.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” – Aristotle
Key Topics: Algorithmic Design; Generative Design; System and Digital Prototyping; Field, Network, Voronoi, Stochastic, Recursion, Multi-Agent Base; variations and selection; design scheme; emergent; self-organized system; GH custom components and add-ons, selected from the following list: Kangaroo, Ladybug, Butterfly, Galapagos, and Hoopsnake or Quelea; Z-Brush.
阶段4 设计课:应用技能与知识,公共艺术与空间设计
Design Studio
第四阶段注重理论与实践相结合,根据工作营的主题“Mediated Space of Resonance”来进行公共艺术与空间设计。通过接触运算化设计应用于项目,学生可以提升技能与扩展相关知识。在项目特定场域条件下,探索处理复杂系统的方法。学生最终成果包括分析图、渲染图及3D打印模型等。
课题以中央美术学院实际项目北京大兴国际机场(by ZAHA)为背景,学生以竞赛方式参与大型知名项目,创作出具有中国特色的空间形象。优秀作品将有机会得到进一步深化及实施,入选2019年中央美术学院毕业展。
课题:设计应用; Mediated Space of Resonance;复杂系统;3 d打印;机场调研;公共艺术;空间设计; 交互界面;临时构筑物; 主题景观; 场域特定艺术。
Stage 4 is an integration of practice and academic exploration in the fields of public art and space design for the purpose of creating Mediated Space Resonance. By applying their current computational design knowledge during the creation of a project, students will have the chance to extend their skills to a more advanced level. The Design Studio is a means of exploring ways to handle complex systems within site-specific conditions found in projects located throughout China. By the end of studio, students will create outstanding portfolios that include design expression in multiple formats: diagrams, renderings, and physical models generated by 3D printers (which are available at CAFA).
Most importantly, the assignment is set in the context of an existing project currently being run by the CAFA City Design School at Beijing Daxing International Airport, designed by Zaha Hadid. The Design Studio is an essential opportunity for students who are keen to be part of the development of renowned projects and who wish to explore and create designs that represent Chinese culture. Outstanding students will either be selected to help develop future projects or their project may be selected for the CAFA graduation exhibition in 2019.
Key Topics: Application; Mediated Space Resonance; Complex system; 3D print; Research of International Airport; Public Art; Space Design; Interactive Interface; Temporary structure; Theme-based landscape; Site-Specific Art;
Workshop Director
运算化设计导师:冬木千枝(Chie Fuyuki)
tSynsth系联设计创始人;纽约普瑞特艺术学院(Pratt Institute)建筑学硕士;东京立教大学文学学士;曾就职于纽约Lindy Roy事务所、MAD事务所;于2017年起担任土人学社运算化设计工作坊主导师;曾于2016-2017年分别与谷德、非静止建筑、匠人营国合作举办了5季tSynsth运算化设计“变量与应用系统”研究坊。目前对跨学科系统与数字化设计原型进行专项研究,涉及建筑学、计算机科学、自然科学、文学、艺术和音乐等,并延伸至科技、创新设计及运算化应用。
公共艺术与空间设计导师:松尾光伸(MATSUO Mitsunobu)
公共艺术与空间设计导师:潘鹏(PAN Peng)
The workshop features a series of lectures and professional feedback sessions during the design phase, which will be hosted by CAFA academics and experts in the design and art fields. These lectures aim to help accelerate the learning process, while increasing students’ depth of knowledge in contemporary design and technologies, as well as the methodologies driving their design outcomes.
学术主持:王中(WANG Zhong)
中央美术学院教授、中央美术学院城市设计学院院长、中国公共艺术研究中心主任、北京市人民政府专家顾问团顾问、中国城市雕塑家协会副主席、中国雕塑学会常务理事、国际动态艺术组织艺术委员;曾荣获中国环境艺术杰出贡献奖、新中国城市雕塑60年建设成就奖、晶麒麟生活艺术家等重要艺术奖项。作为中央美术学院公共艺术学科带头人,王中教授十余年来致力于国内外公共艺术领域的研究工作,2000年在中央美术学院雕塑系创办中国第一个公共艺术本科教学工作室,2005年在中央美术学院城市设计学院创办公共艺术系。2007年主持建设部“中外城市公共艺术投资政策对比研究”课题,2008年受聘第二十九届北京奥林匹克运动会开幕式策划工作,荣获北京2008奥组委颁发“工作荣誉奖”,2009年主持上海世博园区公共艺术设计,2011年至2015年主持北京地铁8、9、14、15、16号线公共艺术项目,2015年主持北京CBD核心区公共空间艺术整体规划设计,2016年主持青岛轨道交通13号线空间一体化设计,开创AUD系统设计理念(艺术引导城市设计Art oriented Urban Design),主持文化部“公共艺术在新兴城镇化发展中作用研究”课题,2016年中国公共艺术展总策展召集人,2016年主持北京新机场公共艺术规划。
Martin Miller 马丁 · 米勒 (美国)
非静止建筑设计设计(AntiStatics Architecture)总监、合伙人、美国康奈尔大学建筑学院实践教授、美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑硕士
郑默 Mo Zheng
北京非静止建筑设计(AntiStatics Architecture)总经理及合伙人、美国宾夕法尼亚大学建筑硕士
张梦瑶 Mengyao Zhang
系联设计研究人员、米兰理工大学硕士、清华大学建筑学学士、梦想加空间产品经理,曾担任Thinkwell 视觉与内容设计师、北京市建筑设计研究院(BIAD)建筑师
覃立超 (LICHAO QIN) 系联设计合伙人,高级设计师;广西大学建筑学学士;曾就职于MAD事务所,度态建筑,清华大学建筑设计研究院,悉地国际
王大嵩(DASONG WANG) 墨尔本皇家理工大学建筑学硕士,即将攻读博士学位;德国维斯马大学建筑学硕士;曾经就职于Penda建筑事务所
谢天(TIAN XIE) 墨尔本皇家理工大学建筑学硕士;四川大学锦城学院建筑学学士;曾就职于前湖南省设计院建筑六所,华诚博远工程技术集团
尚子敬(ZIJING SHANG) 系联设计初级建筑设计师;宾夕法尼亚州立大学建筑学硕士;北京工业大学环境艺术系室内设计专业学士
王晨阳(CHENYANG WANG) 系联设计建筑实习生;清华美术学院环境艺术系在读研究生;鲁迅美术学院环境艺术系艺术学学士
上课时间与地点 | A班: 2018.12.15 开始 13天 B班: 2018.12.27 开始 11天 中央美术学院城市设计学院(燕郊校区) |
学费 | 包含住宿11800元,12月8日前报名享受早鸟价:9800元 |
课程收获 | 11-13 天的运算化设计学习 中央美术学院的结业证书 免费校内住宿(A班16与23号周日除外),体验央美校内学习环境,并参与在校生设计课题 优秀作品将入选2019年中央美术学院毕业展 嘉宾讲座 工作推荐 资源:3D打印设备 |
报名方式 | 请将姓名、联系方式、联系邮箱:cafa_edu@163.com。 |
联系方式 | 电话 :(周一至周五:上午9点半-下午5点半) 邮件: cafa_edu@163.com 联系人:潘琳13701310467;陈潇13910203345。 |
注意事项 | 学生需自备笔记本电脑,必须使用Windows系统,请预先下安装最新版本Rhinoceros 6软件。电脑基本配置参考:CPU i7,内存 8g,独立显卡 1g以上。 除免费住宿外,学生需要自付旅途的各项开支及旅行保险。 |